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Real Estate Law
Civil and Procedural Law
- In this area of services we offer consultations, judgments(opinions), judicial and extrajudicial assistance.
- We give advising and consultancy with regard to the Laws of Politics Habitacional and of Tenancy.
- Contracts of Lease: one offers him(her) a complete service on this type of contracts, we write them adapted to the concrete case and tight to the limits of the new Law of Real-estate Leases. Also, we check already in force contracts that present problems of interpretation and indicate the alterations that they might apply to every case.
- Regulation of Rents: We attend to the administrative procedures, before the Direction of Tenancy of the Department of Infrastructure and in the Mayoralties in the whole country, of regulation of real estate destined for any use. Also, we take charge of the processing of the resources against the regulations, so much in name of the owners as that of the tenants, according to the case
- I retract Legally: We manage judicially the annulment of sales of real estate realized in violation of the rights of the lessees.
- Legal extension: In the celebrated contracts of lease in time determined that take as an object some urban and suburban building, come the day of the maturity of the stipulated term, this one will be extended in agreement to the established in the Decree - law and in these cases our mission is to guard over the respect to the legal extension and in suitable case to the negotiation with another part in relation with this term.
- Remove: We proceed with dispossessions of real estate, in all judicial phases.
- Restore of On Rents: This includes the return of the payment of cánones of rent cancelled in quantities superior to the regulation of the building and we can represent it before during the judgment that could be generated immediately after the request of refund.
- Refund of the warehouse(deposit) that is done to the moment to rent a building: We can represent it in the processing of the Brief Procedure of return of the "warehouse(deposit)" given in guarantee.
- Notification of non-extension of the contract or Dispossession: We represent as for the private or judicial notification that is given to the tenant to the effects of not renewing the contract of lease and consistent delivery of the come building maturity.
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