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Constitutional Law
- This area of services, sandal from the simple consultations and assistances up to the judicial representation. The exercise of our professional activity, it has led us to offering this area of services to our clients in order to correct the right and / or constitutional right threatened or violated, on the occasion of facts, acts or omissions originated by citizens, legal persons, groups, institutions or private organizations, as well as also, for organs of the Public National Power, Estadal or Police officer.
- We give you an opportune advising on based on our Constitution. We explain cabalidad the content and scope of every constitutional disposition, happening for the individual, social and political rights. In order to protect yourpatrimonial and moral rights, is suggested the businessman to exercise the following judicial actions:
- Resource or Action of Protection: Our legislator has established an extraordinary and effective resource to obtain the guardianship of the rights and constitutional rights violated or threatened, which, it is known as Resource or Action of Protection. This resource can be exercised by any natural person investigated in Venezuela or legal person domiciled in the country. The Action of Constitutional Protection, it chases to restore immediately the juridical infringed situation or the situation that more is alike it. There being no procedural brief, summary and effective means according to the constitutional protection, there is exercised to fullness this Resource, which of prompt form, returns the harmony to transgressed for third.
- Later it will be able to estimate the most common Protections:
If you require counseling or information, please contact us via the web page Contact us