Marketing and Advertisement
- In the area of strategy of marketing we offer the following servicis of consultancy and advice, across our allied strategic experts:
- Raising diagnosis
- Análsis FODA
- Analysis of competitions
- Benchmarking of Service. - Workshop of teamwork.
- Plan of Marketing
- Strategic Planning of Market
- Production of Promotional Plans
- Development of New Business
- The commercial relation Diversifies with the current clients
- Clients' Exploration
- Penetration and Diversification on other Markets
- Presentation of Chats, exhibitions,
- To construct Department of Marketing
- Administration of Sales force.
- Dynamics with Professional Skills of Sales and
- Functioning and congruity of the 4 "P" of the Marketing: Product, Price, distribution and Promotion (Advertising, Sales Personnel, Discounts etc).
- We rely on experts in Marketing research and strategy, Relationship marketing and International business development.
- We give consultancy in sales and marketing (advertising, distribution - logistics, market researches)
- We give in addition services of outsourcing of Attention to the Clientela slant of the Centers of Attention " Call Center and Executives Door to Door " of our strategic ally dedicated to this activity. This service includes the following products of the sector: TV - marketing, marketing face-to-face, affiliation, distribution, attention of claims and surveys, among others. We have Centers of Attention to the client in High places Mirandinos, Barquisimeto, Caracas, Cumaná, The Tigrito, Guarenas, Maracaibo, Maracay, Maturín, Merida, Porlamar, Port The Cross, Port Ordaz and Valencia. Our Call Center there possesses a servant of fifty thousand users, I.V.R., C.T.I., tarificador, Security (by means of firewalls and of Virtual Deprive Your Your Networks [VPNs]) and management audit.
- Thanks to our alliance with the Society E.Diz, we can give the seguientes services in the area of marketing:
- Schemes of Tariffication of Public or Private Services.
- Studies of opinion across surveys to level of the formulation, design and introduction of referential frames of sampling and his processing and respective analysis.
- Analysis of the prediction of sales/market share.
- Production and qualit model supervision of service and levels of satisfaction.
- Clustering Analysis / Segmentation / Analysis of Principal Components and Conjoint.
Services of Direct Market:
The Direct Marketing allows to identify, to classify, to improve and to facilitate interests and preferences of the consumer / client, across current tools that facilitate the requirements of " Marketing One to One " with consumers and general market. Between your fundamental aims they can be outlined: the identification of new consumers, the loyalty of current clients, the creation of new channels of distribution and sale, the direct contact company - consumer and the precise knowledge of needs of each one of the consumers / clients. Across this service we offer the most modern tool and it has the aptitude to offer the best services as for:
-Managings Centers of Information.
- Integral administration of Centers of Attention (Lines 800, 500, 501, etc.) to attend to claims, suggestions, request of information, etc. Which have had very good acceptance between the cliente.
- Creation, normalization and update of Databases, (it is a tool to store and to organize information, so that, at the moment of wanting to use it is accessible).
- Advising for the design and managing of successful campaigns of Direct Marketing.
- Surveys of market with graficaciones and advisings in the area.
- Advising for the design of Programs of Loyalty and / or contacts with consumers and clients.
- Studies of Research of Market and Analysis of Byline.
- Service of Direct Mail (including massive sending of e-mails).
- Training and training in all the areas related to this business, designed according to the present needs.
If you require counseling or information, please contact us via the web page Contact us