Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights
The Intellectual Property includes all the exclusive rights of the author or authors of distributing, selling or taking advantage with ends(purposes) of profit of a work of the ingenuity, of any kind(genre), be literary, artistic or scientific, for any way of reproduction, multiplication or diffusion.
The brands(marks) are special and typical signs that serve to distinguish on the market the products and the services. For juridical safety, we request the record them, according to the International Classification of Nice, which groups to 42 different classes.
· We realize the processing of his(her,your) commercial brands(marks).
A patent is the property that credits the Venezuelan State to a technological invention. They find the Patents of Invention or of Models of Usefulness(Utility).
· We realize the processing of national and international patents.
Designs and models: It are the set of lines or colors or any external two-dimensional or three-dimensional form that joins to an industrial product or of crafts to give him(her) a spatial appearance, without it(he,she) changes the destination(destiny) of the above mentioned product and uses as type or boss for his(her,your) manufacture. For juridical safety we request the record them.
· We realize the processing of industrial designs and models.
· Advise and protect the businessman with relation to his(her,your) rights on the artistic, audio-visual, architectural, scientific, advertising works, applied(hardworking) art, programs of computation (databases) and literary. To such effects, the steps are realized in the face of the Record and Warehouse(Deposit) of the Intellectual Production for the use, possession and pacific enjoyment of the rights of material and intellectual character as those of moral nature derived from the Author's copyright. We realize the processing author's copyright.
· Proceed with the preliminary study, the acquisition and record of names of domain(control).
· Give our services to initiate the Administrative Procedure for the inscription of works, products and productions, and to obtain the corresponding record and protection to posteriori of the Author's copyright and the connected rights, which understand(include) the patrimonial rights that protect the utilization, the property, usefulness(utility) and the integrity of the same ones, everything in the face of the Department of the Production and the Trade, where one finds the Record of the Intellectual Production, National Direction(Address) of the Author's copyright, in the Autonomous Service of Intellectual Property (S.A.P.I.).
· In this respect, for the protection, there is effected(carried out) an alertness and follow-up of registered Brands(Marks) and requests in I try being able to locate the administrative status by means of the search in the system of computation of the Department, and across the publications of the Bulletins, the Grants and Maturities of Brands(Marks), Models and Designs; Renovations, Transfers of patents and others(different).
We offer those who have his(her,your) protected rights, the benefits of marketing, to manage or to support the leadership, across the draft of contracts, such as(like):
- Abandonment of rights - Exploitation(Development) (Draft contracts of agency and exclusive distribution or not) - Transfer of technology and mergers and acquisitions (due diligence) - Confidentiality (Draft of agreements of confidentiality) - Licenses of use (Draft of licenses for the transfer of technology) - Marriage(Couple) and Successions in the Author's copyright - We Are employed everything relative to the Author's copyright at the Marriage(Couple), the Matrimonial Capitulations if they will be, and of more implications.
- Transmission of the Author's copyright because of Death.
- It is attended the author in the constitution of Fideicommissums on his(her,your) author's copyright, by means of an act of last will, - Inventions or Improvements - Also we advise them opposite to the Inventions or Improvements that happen in
· course of the labour relation, for the use, possession and pacific enjoyment of the rights of material and intellectual character like those of moral nature derived from the Author's copyright of the artistic, scientific and literary works. · Offer the design, production(elaboration) and execution of campaigns anti-piracy. · Our experts give advising for producers of music and cinema. · Elaborate the examinations(Oppositions) or effect(carry out) the Answers Marcarias, request the nullity and cancellation of records. We introduce Resources of Reconsideration, Hierarchic and Contentious and other pertinent actions(performances) to the defense of the intellectual or industrial rights across our attorneys who are due authorized for being Agentes de la Propiedad Industrial.
We attend to litigations in the above mentioned areas so much in national jurisdiction as(like) across Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR) or Alternative Solutions of Disputes in line or traditional
If you require counseling or information, please contact us via the web page Contact us